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Green Hosting

  • Demonstrate your green credentials and Enhance your reputation
  • prepare for a sustainable future
  • It is this easy being green

Zone recognises the responsibility of web hosting providers and website owners to manage their environmental impact and promote sustainability.

To this end, we have provided verified evidence to the Green Web Foundation, confirming that Zone’s data centre facilities across Europe are powered by green energy.

Zone customers can proudly showcase their commitment to environmental sustainability by claiming a free Green Web Foundation badge for their websites.

To obtain the badge code for integration on your website, please complete the form provided below:

Please insert your URL here:

The Green Web Foundation is a non-profit organisation registered in the Netherlands that strongly believes the Internet should serve as an open public good and be fossil-free by 2030.

In its relentless pursuit, the Green Web Foundation proudly maintains the world’s largest open dataset of websites operating on green energy, making a unique contribution to the cause.

Further information regarding The Green Web Foundation can be accessed via their official website at

“A single seed can grow into a magnificent forest. Your choice today will lead to a brighter future.”

Martti Varik – Founder & CEO of Zone

Zone optimises energy use in all areas of business operation by implementing energy-efficient technologies where possible.

  • As part of our commitment towards energy efficiency, we emphasize utilizing servers and network devices designed with advanced power-saving features and superior performance capabilities. These reduce electricity usage and decrease heat generation, lowering cooling requirements and reducing carbon emissions from data centers.
  • We use modern data centers designed for high energy efficiency and source their power from renewable sources wherever possible, reducing the carbon footprint associated with hosting services.
  • We invest in developing and implementing innovative technologies and deploying modern systems architectures that offer superior performance in terms of energy efficiency and environmental impact over their entire lifecycle.
  • Zone prioritizes suppliers committed to environmental sustainability and favors products and services that cause minimal adverse environmental impacts.
  • We consider factors like energy efficiency ratings and eco-friendly certifications when purchasing products.
  • We minimize waste production by following the principles of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling our physical assets wherever possible.
  • We partner with data centers where power is sourced from renewable sources using long-term green energy contracts.
  • Our headquarters in Tallinn are on-premises certified to comply with the LEED Gold certificate.
  • We also aim to reduce carbon emissions from business activities by providing remote working options for staff members, thereby decreasing commuting-related emissions and favoring online meetings with our partners and vendors to reduce avoidable business travel.