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  • Zone is an official .fi domain name broker
  • Free .fi domain for every web hosting package
  • The .fi domain name creates trust

Only trust the best

Choose an official domain registar

The management of .fi domain names worldwide is overseen by Traficom. However, registration activities such as domain registration, renewal, and transfer are conducted by domain registrars.

Zone is an official .f domain registrar that always registers domains in the customer’s name and grants them full management rights.

Zone is an official .f domain registrar that always registers domains in the customer's name and grants them full management rights.

FI domain inspires trust

The .fi domain name is like a seal of Finnishness on the Internet. The address ending in .fi, which has been in use since 1986, offers a reliable home for both local companies and international operators who are looking to Finland.

It is the perfect choice for those who want to build a reliable and recognizable online presence in Finland. Whether it’s a company or an individual, with a .fi domain you clearly communicate about being Finnish.

On this page you can find information about the Finnish domain name and its registration. We are also happy to help in all other matters related to domain names.

Read Before Ordering


Before registering, ensure that the name you choose is available and does not infringe on any protected names or registered trademarks in Finland or the European Union.

The Zone support page offers numerous useful links for information about protected names and trademarks.

Order fi domain via official fi domain registrar Zone and benefit from fast setup, competitive prices, and local support.

25 years of hosting experience

Nearly 50 000 web servers and more than 145 000 domains

All in one

Our services provide you with domains, e-mail and website hosting. Everything you need to bring your business online is handed to you on a plate.

Trustworthy and secure

We make sure your website stays up and e-mails come through. Our servers are routinely kept up to date, to make sure your data remains safe and secure.

Rapid performance

A fast website is a must for customer convenience, but also for search engine ranking. Outperform your competition using our services.

FI Domain Transfer Possible Only with the Authorization Key

The only way to transfer a .fi domain name from one registrar to another is by using the registrar’s exchange key, also known as the authorization key. This key is usually obtained from the current domain registrar. However, if there is no registrar, the authorization key can be obtained directly from Traficom.

Frequently Asked Questions about FI domains

All companies, organizations, and individuals are eligible to register a domain, regardless of their location.

Domains can be registered for periods ranging from 1 to 5 years. We recommend securing your domain for the longest period possible to avoid the risk of it expiring after the first year.

A domain name may contain 2-63 characters and can include:

  • Letters a-z
  • Numbers 0-9
  • The hyphen-minus (-)

You may also use the letters å, ä, and ö, as well as characters from the Sámi language spoken in Finland. However, a domain name cannot start or end with a hyphen-minus, and it cannot have a hyphen-minus as both the third and fourth characters.

Yes, a domain can be terminated before its expiry date by sending a termination request to Zone’s customer service via email. Through the My Zone administration panel, automatic expiry notifications can be disabled if the customer does not intend to renew the domain at the end of its term.

Free email with every new FI domain

We offer a free email address to all domain name registrants – you can use it immediately without any installation!

We work with reliable and inventive partners to offer you the best service